Saturday, July 18, 2009

reach out

i am not going to be shy about reaching out to people today!

Friday, July 3, 2009

cleon, a texas original!

my grandmother


a friend inspired me to write about my dad's grandma cleon

she was a piece of work she was!
born in'12
middle child
lost her daddy in the 1918 flu outbreak
exceptional gardener
spoke her it or not!
20's "flapper"
"fit the description" of bonnie the cops said when they stopped her one day....
loved her only son
grieved for her only daughter betty evelyn,only 18 months old.....
spoiled her six grandchildren
always said "well i'm a-tellin you!"
made her tea real sweet
made us laugh all the time
miss her eccentricities
remember when she went into the mr m store..bought ALL the chocolate milk...the clerk protested, and she said "i'm PAYIN for it aren't i?"
i loved her gumption!
miss you cleon....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

home ownership

do i see what i think i see?
lawn fungus
tile needs grout
garage door makes that "thunking" sound
mortgage due
grandkids coming-water balloons and bubbles flying
sons fix things
daughters-in-law to keep me company
let's eat out on the back porch....
air conditioner works just fine
i'm rich!

Is anybody listening? .......helloooo!


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