Saturday, June 27, 2009


i am really missing you today. i miss you every day and wish somehow you knew it. sometimes i think two and a half years have not passed, and it's all just a dream. but it's not is it? you were my best friend, and my worst were, and always will be
my husband. god i miss you....please come and visit my dreams ♥ kathy

my dream come true.......

i just want to sit and gaze...... and gaze......and gaze ...the ocean is my muse....i must go there.....

Thursday, June 18, 2009

i will eat more gummi bears...

i will read i will read i will read i will read i will read.....

well, i've had fun with the silliness...let's get real about it now....

look at things in a fresh way

could i do this?

the me i don't want to be☹

no i couldn't!

my hands are in too much soap and water for these!

that'd be a big fat hell no!

consider this

want to change my style

i've got waaay too much time on my hands these days, and that started me thinking about my personal style. do i really have any?
i know! i'll copy style from others! adopting someone else's style is easier than reinventing the wheel don't you know?
before i attempt this change i must make a commitment to carry it through....and not "chicken out" i will start by looking at
the way other people rock their style. nothing is ever truly original anyway, it all came from someone else! the originality comes in the way you carry yourself in whatever mode you decide to adopt. can i do it? that remains to be seen!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

window of opportunity

my calendar has become so full of obligations: classes, and appointments. it is time for me to find those little windows of opportunity to get away, and have a change of scenery. i must be vigilant!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

first days of summer break

these are the days of our lives...
ok, it's the first monday of my summer break. i stayed up late last night of course, just because i could! every summer i say the same thing, i'm going to accomplish great things. it rarely happens that this summer i will resolve to change my attitude about the real meaning of "great". getting up in the morning to appreciate quiet time is a great thing. cleaning out closets and divesting my life of too much stuff, that is a great thing too. i will do my part to keep goodwill, the salvation army, and the animal humane society busy!
i DO want to go to a beach somewhere, at some point, and a few little road trips are good for the soul.
last summer i went on a journey across the pond to was a trip back in time for me. it was the place where life as i know it truly was where i began my adulthood really..where i became a wife, and a mother too. who would have thought that my decision to join the army would have changed my life so much. really though, everything we do changes our lives, and often the direction of those lives.
there..... i've said enough for now.....

Thursday, June 4, 2009

some possibilities.....hmmmmm?????

so many possiblities!

i love summer break...
it is such a gift of time...
the possibilities almost endless...
how will i spend this time?
the anticipation is as much fun as the actual event...
i love possibilties!!!!!

Is anybody listening? .......helloooo!


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